• APPC Authenticated Pay Per Call - Enquiry tracking with a difference!

Most people will have heard of PPC or pay per click via Google advertising and SEO, (search engine optimisation). When Google first introduced PPC it revolutionised the advertising market and was seen as a very cost effective way of reaching potential customers, with costs ranging from a few pence to over £100. SEO or search engine optimisation has been widely seen as a great alternative to expensive PPC campaigns, but both have their limitations.

During an active PPC campaign a charge is levied each time anyone clicks on your advertisement irrespective of whether it is welcome traffic. In most cases it will cost an average of £5 per click. SEO is seen as a cheaper alternative but again, you will still be paying for an agency to run a campaign with no guarantee of any additional sales opportunities.


APPC campaigns - Driven by results

APPC allows your company to benefit from a transparent advertising platform, where all telephone calls are recorded and assessed to see if they meet the agreed criteria set out by the client. Our APPC campaigns are driven by results and tailored to enhance your company’s sales opportunities.

Working in partnership

Futurenet Publishing has been working in partnership with a range of clients to implement a revolutionary new APPC (Authenticated Pay Per Call) technique. As a potential client you will pay nothing for the setup of the campaign and take no financial risk at all. As a company we will set up a call tracking system and produce the material for your website at our own expense. All you will pay for is an agreed charge per genuine sales enquiry.


If you are currently running a pay per click campaign or paying for SEO, please call us now to arrange a meeting to discuss the benefits of switching to an APPC campaign.

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